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Comment history with Batgirl88


Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments

u r welcome :]

Posted by lostinLDN on Jul 14, 07 7:47 pm

Thanks so much for your help!!!

Posted by Batgirl88 on Jul 14, 07 4:28 pm are in the forum. in the designers cafe, i think :]

Posted by lostinLDN on Jul 14, 07 8:21 am

How do you do the coding? I'm a coding retard sometimes...

Posted by Batgirl88 on Jul 13, 07 5:03 pm

i got the background from here :]
and i did some coding :]

Posted by lostinLDN on Jul 13, 07 4:54 pm

Where did you get this awesome layout?!

Posted by Batgirl88 on Jul 13, 07 4:25 pm
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  • Female
  • 14 years old